Sex Offender Registries TW: Abuse

Source: 8/12/21

Channel: sexplanations

Video intro:

Someone asked me once how I determined which topics to cover. I answered that I have all these topics in my mind but one at a time they move to my heart and I get really curious and passionate enough to research and teach — to sexplain. This is what happened with the registry. There wasn’t a personal experience or an audience question, it just shifted from my head to my heart and had to come out. At first I used the registry to understand it from a laypersons perspective. I was shocked that Bill Cosby was not on there so early I learned the list isn’t accurate. Then I spoke with a police detective, and two therapists who work with sex offenders. I used to work with sex offenders too but didn’t take that into account. What I gathered from these sources, and then all the studies I read online, is that sex offender registries, at least the public registries in the U.S. are not fair, don’t work right, and do incredible harm.

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Wow! This is a video everyone should watch. It is a breath of fresh air and communicates essential facts in a serious, informative, authoritative and entertaining way. Although I think the 80% figure for persons who knew their assailant is a bit low, it would get the point across for the general public. I will send a link to all the state legislators on my email list.


Wow, Someone actually analyzed the information and gave a no nonsense explanation and recommendation. Thanks for sharing and educating the public in our behalf.

Good overall short explanation for those who don’t have long attention spans on the topic.

Wow! 3.1K thumbs up, only 119 thumbs down. Impossible numbers not too long ago. And 35,842 views!

Excellent presentation! I will certainly be sharing this widely!

Interesting that a few of the comments brought up Dru Sjodin, a perfect case to show how useless the registry is. Her assailant was a registrant, and a high risk one at that. He was traced through his car, and his registry status wasn’t known until investigators ran his criminal history. It’s pretty likely if LE had relied on the registry to find a suspect, they never would have found one (at best) or pinned it on the wrong person.

So what good did the registry do here? Exactly what circumstance of this tragic event would have been different or worse if there were no registry at all? It obviously didn’t prevent anything and had no role in the investigation. I seriously doubt it even helped the prosecution get the conviction. It seems pretty unlikely that in the wake of all the other evidence that registry status would swing a wavering juror, and it would be pretty concerning if it did in a lot of other cases where evidence is far less compelling.

Good ol’ youtube, another of those ” ubiquitous” database driven firms. My unregistered feed from them had some vids of Tucker Carlson from FOX media on it. I noticed the comments section was turned off on his vid. Guess what Youtube stated as the reason the comments section was turned off. That’s right “to protect minor viewers.” How many kids do you figure are clammering to watch Mr. Carlson’s tube vids about politics? ZERO is my guess. So what is really the deal?

This is significant. A person out a video that wasn’t absolutely destroyed by the public….. and most of the information appears to be “relatively” accurate. I read through the comments section. The vast majority of the haters seemed to miss the message that the only real and impactful way to potentially reduce sex crimes is to come from a completely different angle. It was almost like a doctor telling the patient that the only way to cure the disease was to take a medicine that tastes horrible. People want a meaningful reduction in sex crimes, but they are having a hard time understanding that the only way to do this is means that they can no longer treat someone with a conviction so inhumanely. Hopefully we see more videos like this. This video shows that there is a way to get the message out without major outrage.

This is a channel I’ve been following for some time. Dr. Doe is all about sharing the facts regarding all things related to human sexuality and reproduction. She does not why away from difficult or controversial subjects. When she makes a mistake or has updated information based on new data she will do her best to provide a correction/update in a timely manner. I highly recommend sexplanations as a starting point resource for curiosity and questions. There are usually links provided with further information on each video.

As for the video on the registry I am happy it was kept to the most basic facts for now. Given her commitment to education I highly doubt it will be the last video on sex offenses or the registry.

Dr. Lindsey doe is cool she really took the time and did the research and drop some straight facts about the registry and posted it on her YouTube channel.
A lot of people on this platform are very well educated when it comes to the registry, if she can reach 3.1k people through 1 YouTube video then daam every person on here should make a YouTube channel telling people the facts about what’s really going on when it come to the sex offender registry and for the people who don’t wish to have their faces shown I watch a lot of YouTube videos and iv have never seen the person’s face.
People forced to register gotta Fight Fire with Fire they’re using the INTERNET and social media to continuously victimize us and apply lifetime punishment on us, people forced to register are literally trapped in a virtual jail cell.
When Martin Luther King was fighting the federal government he was using their own constitutional laws against them so we need to use the same weapon that they’re using against us against them and that’s the INTERNET

Good luck

Sounds like a person to reach out to and give her a different view of the registry and other restrictions; which she could do a video on reaching her viewers on the harms of the registry.